Are you the owner of the property in Spain but non Fiscal resident in Spain?.
In this case, you should know that it is compulsory as per Spanish Legislation to settle to the Spanish Inland Revenue a tax, which is due for owning your property in Spain.
This is the Non Resident Income Tax, not similar to the Rates Tax “IBI”, which is a local tax to be paid to the Local Town Hall where the property is located.
The Non Resident Income Tax is to be paid to the National Government, being a consequence of owning one or more properties in Spain.
In addition, as per law approved by governing Council in October2011, atemporally restoration of the Wealth Tax has taken place in Spain with the particularity that there is a minimum exemption of 700.000 Euros, taking into account that there is a 10% surplus on general scale applicable for those properties located in Andalucía.
Having said the above, our Firm offers you a reasonable possibility, to meet with these fiscal obligations.
We will be pleased to assist you in this matter or in any other Legal or Fiscal inquiry.