We are an English speaking Law Firm , leaded by Barrister Mr.Ignacio Blazquez, born in Malaga in 1.962, based in the South of Spain (Marbella) with experienced lawyers whom specialise in Legal, Financial and Property services all around in Spain.
Hundred per cent of ours clients are non residents most of then Britsish, so we are at your disposal for providing personal advice, we know your legal problems.
If it is your fist contact with property law in Spain, let us with more of fifty years experience in property market on the coast, offer you some basic guide lines to complete the entire purchase or selling procedure in a succesfull way.
Our Lawyers have sufficient knowledge and are specialists of the areas of Spanish Law and Rights of our clients, understanding perfectly the concerns of a non-resident who is dealing in a foreign country, providing a guarantee for your interest. Our Law Firm works basically to give our clients a professional, friendly and efficient service. A foreigner owning a property in Spain is extremely foolish if he does not take independent legal advice.
Our legal team, include Barrister, is an association of several professionals as Economists, Accountants and Fiscal Advisors specialist on Spanish Law. All members of our staff speak several languages such as Spanish, English, Dutch, German and French.
We provides fiscal and legal advice on company and business affairs, tax and accountancy advice, assistance on residential and commercial conveyancing, Wills and inheritance matters, civil litigation and criminal cases.
We will be pleased to help you in any area and look forward to welcoming you as a client.
Our Recommendation…
Our Job…
It is advisable to use a lawyer based in Spain who will provide the legal guarantees for the purchase of the property, ensuring that Spanish legal requirements are met. As your lawyer will check to ensure that the property is bought free of encumbrances, liens, charges or debts and that all payments of local contributions and community charges are paid, also if the developer has planning permission to build. The property searches may vary depending on the kind of property that you have chosen to purchase. Using a lawyer from your home country could substantially increase your legal fees and most certainly will delay the sales process, also he probably does not have any knowledge of Spanish Law.